Halothane-induced hepatitis: A forgotten issue in developing countries


avatar Peiman Habibollahi 1 , avatar Nastaran Mahboobi 1 , avatar Sara Esmaeili 1 , avatar Saeid Safari 1 , avatar Ali Dabbagh 1 , avatar Seyed Moayed Alavian 2 , *

Department of Gastroenterology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IR Iran
Baqiyatallah Research Center for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences and Tehran Hepatitis Center, Alavian@thc.ir, Tehran, IR Iran

How To Cite? Habibollahi P, Mahboobi N, Esmaeili S, Safari S, Dabbagh A, et al. Halothane-induced hepatitis: A forgotten issue in developing countries. Hepat Mon. 2011;11(1): 3-6. 


Halothane was introduced as an anesthetic in the 1950s and was considered a revolutionary agent in the field of anesthesia. Soon after, halothane-induced hepatitis became a concern, leading to the development of less toxic gases that induced a lower incidence of side effects. Two types of halothane-related hepatotoxicity have been described: type 1, or mild hepatitis, is associated with elevated transaminase levels and self-limiting symptoms, and type 2, or severe hepatotoxicity, is associated with acute fatal liver failure and is fatal in most cases. Hepatotoxicity is most likely to be immune-related, based on much evidence. Free radicals that are produced by the metabolism of halothane in the liver can modify cellular proteins and introduce neo-antigens to the immune system. Sensitization to these neo-antigens induces a more severe response after multiple exposures; most cases of type 2 hepatitis occur after repeated contact. New halogenated anesthetics such as enflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane, are not metabolized in the liver, causing few cases of sensitization. Compared with halothane, these anesthetics are expensive. As a result, replacement of halothane with new halogenated anesthetics requires a precise cost-benefit analysis, especially in developing countries that have low health care budgets.

  • Implication for Health policy/practice/research/medical education:
    One of forgotten side effects of medications used for anesthesia is studied in the article. The golden time of diagnosis and thinking the best way of prevention trigger each physician's mind involved in the surgical method of treatment. Reading this article is recommended for all practitioners, anesthesiologists, and internists. It also describes an important message from the view of health economic.
  • Please cite this paper as:
    Habibollahi P, Mahboobi N, Esmaeili S, Safari S, Dabbagh A, Alavian SM. Halothane-induced hepatitis: A forgotten issue in developing countries. Hepat Mon. 2011;11(1):3-6.

2011 Kowsar M.P.Co. All rights reserved.

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