Blood safety concerns in the Eastern Mediterranean region


avatar Abdol Majid Cheraghali 1 , *

1)Iran Blood Transfusion Organization Research Center.2) Department of Pharmacology, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences,, IR Iran

How To Cite Cheraghali A. Blood safety concerns in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Hepat Mon. 2011;11(6): 422-426. 


Blood transfusion is a life-saving component of health care systems. Nevertheless, it can also be a quick and easy method of exposing patients to risks, particularly the transmission of infectious agents to recipients. Despite substantial improvements in the safety of transfusion services worldwide, the presence of paid and replacement blood donors are still of cause concern for ensuring sustainable safe blood donations. Although the Eastern Mediterranean region consists of a heterogeneous group of countries that vary in their levels of development, they all share common concerns regarding blood safety. In the region, concerns regarding the spread of Hepatitis B and C through blood transfusion continue to exist. Therefore, there is an urgent need for further improvements in both organization and safety measures of blood transfusion activities in the region. Although establishing a centralized blood transfusion system might not be achievable in the short term in some of the countries in the region, the implementation of centralized test kit procurement, data collection, and donation testing could be considered feasible approaches.
Keywords: Blood transfusion; Blood donors; Mediterranean region

  • Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:
    Blood transfusion is still an essential component of modern health care. However despite improvement in availability of the blood and blood components in countries of Eastern Mediterranean Region there still substantial concerns regarding both availability and safety of blood and blood components in some of these countries which obviously could jeopardize patient's safety.
  • Please cite this paper as:
    Cheraghali AM. Blood safety concerns in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Hepat Mon. 2011;11(6):422-26.

2011 Kowsar M.P.Co. All rights reserved.

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