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NedMedica is registered as “Eenmanszaak” in the Netherlands since 2009 and works based on the Dutch rules and regulations.
Our services currently include English edit and plagiarism check; click the following link to order: click here
Expert editors
We have chosen a set of expert editors to cover every type of research field. Our editors are selected based on an exact process. In addition, all the works done by our editors are finally reviewed by a senior editor
Confidentiality of your information
We use the latest security standards to maintain the confidentiality of your information; it is in fact our top priority
Timely delivery
The process of evaluating the order and sending the work to the editor takes minimum 3-7 days based on to the author’s request
Assured quality
We use an accurate process for the quality assurance of editing services; all our processes are independently verified by global standards
For more information just send us a ticket;
we usually respond in less than 24 hours.
High quality, easy to order and affordable. back by a 100%. satisfaction guarantee.
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