Note for Change of Publisher

To whom it may concern, We would like to announce that the publisher of the mentioned journal is changed since 5 Aug 2020. Below you may find the contact information of the old and new publisher.

Old Publisher:


New Publisher:

  • Zamensalamati Publishing Company
  • Email:
  • Link of new website:
  • Publisher since 22(8) to present


Recommendation to Authors:

All articles which are published in the old publisher will be remained till the time of full re-publishing into the new website. All articles will be indexed in a timely manner within the next 6 months based on the indexing source priorities. Articles in the old website are indexed in the majority of sources except for WoS which is being followed by the old publisher. We strongly recommend all authors with “in-review” manuscripts (in the old website) to resubmit their manuscripts in the new portal.

Kind Regards,
The Journal Transfer Team


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