Seyyed Mohammad Miri Seyyed Mohammad Miri (born 1977 in Tehran, married, 2 children) finished his medical doctorate as a general practitioner from Babol University of Medical Science, Iran in 2004 and then graduated from PHD of cellular and molecular hepatology from BRCGL, Iran as a joint collaboration with CARIM in 2016. His main publications are more than 50 articles in two major fields of hepatology and medical journalism plus writing 4 books about public awareness against liver diseases and 3 books in the field of medical journalism.
  • Last Degree: Medical Doctorate (MD)
  • Specialty: Ph.D. of Molecular Medicine
  • Country of Residence: The Netherlands
  • Academic Profiles: Researchgate | ORCID | Scopus (H-index: 12) | Publons | Linkedin | PubMed | ISI Web of Sciences
  • Current Position: Founder and CEO of Brieflands
  • Memberships: Governing board of Niek Charity | World Journal Editors | National Society of Medical Doctors | Ethics Committee of National Medical Journals
  • Interests: Swimming, Kayaking, Nature surfing, Fossil hunting 
Web of Science Researcher ID

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