Journal Overview

Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, published by Brieflands, is the official journal of ISRAPM, providing open access to a wide array of clinical and basic research, education, patient care, health economics, and policy information. Established in 2011 by Dr. Farnad Imani, this authoritative journal is dedicated to practitioners in pain management, including anesthesiologists, interventional pain physicians, neurosurgeons, and neurologists. The journal accepts a variety of manuscripts such as original research, meta-analyses, reviews, health economic papers, debates, and consensus statements, all relevant to the fields of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine. It serves as a vital resource for the latest interdisciplinary research, innovative treatments, and important clinical observations, fostering the exchange of knowledge and advancements in pain management.

Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
ISSN: e: 2228-7531 | p: 2228-7523
Frequency: bi-monthly

Abstracted/Indexed: Scopus | PubMed Central | EMBASE | EMRO WHO (IMEMR) | EBSCO | Scientific Information Database (SID) | Google Scholar |ISC | Ricest, more
Scope: Anesthesiology and Pain, more
COPE member: Since 2017
Copyright Policy: CC BY-NC 4.0
Publishing Access: Open Access
Peer Review Policy: Double-Blind Peer Review System Open Peer Review

Recent Articles

4 articles
vol. 15 , issue 2

Explore the latest articles published in this journal for impactful research and the newest advancements in the field.


Expanding on “Analyzing Patterns in Anesthesiology Residents' Exam Performance Using Data Mining Techniques”

Seyed Mohammad Seyed Alshohadaei ORCID * , Fereshteh Baghizadeh ORCID
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The Effect of Intraoperative Dexmedetomidine on Postoperative Delirium Sedation Agitation Score in cardiac surgery

Mohammad Hosein Ghanbarpour ORCID , Ali Dabbagh ORCID , Alireza Jahangirifard ORCID , Navid Shafigh ORCID , Mina Fani, Kamal Fani ORCID *
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The Magnitude of Anesthesiology Residents Burnout at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences: A Cross-Sectional Study

Maedeh Karimian ORCID , Ali Dabbagh ORCID , Parisa Sezari ORCID , Kamal Fani ORCID , Marzieh Shahrabi ORCID , Alireza Shakeri ORCID *
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Anesth Pain Med

Enhanced Postoperative Pain Management: A Comparative Analysis of Ultrasound-Guided Quadratus Lumborum Block Versus Intraperitoneal and Periportal Bupivacaine Infiltration Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Randomized Double-Blind Study

Ashraf Nabil Saleh ORCID , Sherif F. Ibrahim, Yasmeen A. Sayed ORCID , Mohammed Mawad Alsaid A, Karim Ahmed Sedky Abdelrahman, Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelaziz Aly, et al.
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