Job Code 28 Programmer: PHP, TeX, XML
Age Maximum 32 years old
Gender Male / Female
Main Requirements 1) Close familiarity with PHP web app development
2) Professional in: Linux, Git, Docker, Propel, Twig, Gearman, Redis, XML, PostgreSQL, Scrum, LaTeX
General Requirements A motivated person with Positive Social and behavioral background, the ability for teamwork
عدم سو پیشینه کیفری
ضمانت حسن انجام کار
Living Area Tehran
Major Field
رشته تحصیلی

Bsc of related computer sciences
حداقل لیسانس کامپیوتر / فناوری اطلاعات

Job Experience
سابقه کار
Min 3 years in the related job
حداقل 3 سال سابقه کار کاملاً مرتبط
English Knowledge Intermediate
Job Type Full-Time Position (8:30 am to 5:30 pm) except Thursdays or Part Time
Work Place Kowsar Corporation, Regional Office at Gisha, West of Tehran, Iran
Insurance After the first month (due to bilateral unstable conditions)
Salary Based on knowledge and experience  (After Interview)
Test Period The First 1 month will be as Test Period with a minimum salary and no insurance

How to Apply?

1. Your photo (image file) 
2. Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume 
3. A sample of your online works/projects

Send all your applications and documents to cvdevelop[at]kowsarpub[dot]com


note: Please send all information by email. In urgent cases call our local office at +98 21 88352301-6

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