Job Code 82 Support for Journal Websites
Definition فرد مورد نظر به عنوان یکی از افراد پشتیبان در وب سایت مجلات علمی دانشگاهی در انتشارات مجلات دانشگاهی فعالیت میکند.
Age Maximum 30 years
Gender Male / Female
  1. HTML and CSS (Medium to Advanced)
  2. Advanced English Level (IELTS > 6 or equivalent level of TOEFL)
  3. Basic knowledge about academic journals 
  4. Marketing 
  5. Good Skills of Public Affairs, communication with Customers
  6. Team Work
  7. Enthusiast to Learning
Living Area Tehran
Major Field
رشته تحصیلی
  • Bsc of Sciences or Computer or Engineering 
  • MSc or Ph.D. or MD of Sciences, Medicine, Paramedics, English Literature


Job Experience
سابقه کار
  • حداقل 2 سال سابقه کار کاملاً مرتبط
  • ضمانت حسن کار با ارایه سفته به امضا ضامن کارمند دولتی میسر میباشد
Job Type Full-Time Position (Sat. to Wed. 8:30 am to 5:30 pm)
Work Place Kowsar Corporation, Regional Office at Gisha, West of Tehran, Iran
Insurance After 1 month (due to bilateral unstable conditions)
Salary Based on knowledge and experience
Test Period The First 1 month will be as Test Period with a minimum salary and no insurance

How to Apply?

Send your resume (CV) and a picture of yourself to cv [at]kowsarpub [dot]com

note: Please send all information by email. In urgent cases call our local office at +98 21 88352301-6

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