

1. Short-Term Efficacy of Epidural Injection of Triamcinolone Through Translaminar Approach for the Treatment of Lumbar Canal Stenosis

- Saeed Sabbaghan

- Elham Mirzamohammadi

- Maryam Ameri Mahabadi

- Farshad Nikouei

- Farhad Rahbarian

- Susan Ahmadichaboki

- Samira Eftekhari

- Maryam Zamankhani

- Amir Aghaie Aghdam

2. An Algorithmic Approach to Treating Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: An Evidenced-Based Approach

- Sudhir Diwan

- Dawood Sayed

- Timothy R Deer

- Amber Salomons

- Kevin Liang

3. Usefulness of the Inferior Articular Process’s Cross-Sectional Area as a Morphological Parameter for Predicting Central Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

- Sooho Lee

- Taeha Lim

- Young-Seob Lim

- Young Uk Kim


5. Periradikuläre Infiltrationstherapie

- B. Oder

- S. Thurnher

6. Comparison of clinical efficacy of transforaminal and caudal epidural steroid injection in lumbar and lumbosacral disc herniation: A systematic review and meta-analysis

- Jung Hwan Lee

- Kyoung-ho Shin

- Sung Jin Bahk

- Goo Joo Lee

- Dong Hwan Kim

- Chang-Hyung Lee

- Du Hwan Kim

- Hee Seung Yang

- Sang-Ho Lee

7. Conservative Treatment and Percutaneous Pain Relief Techniques in Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: WFNS Spine Committee Recommendations

- Maurizio Fornari

- Scott C. Robertson

- Paulo Pereira

- Mehmet Zileli

- Carla D. Anania

- Ana Ferreira

- Silvano Ferrari

- Roberto Gatti

- Francesco Costa

8. Survey of integrative lumbar spinal stenosis treatment in Korean medicine doctors: preliminary data for clinical practice guidelines

- Yoon Jae Lee

- Joon-Shik Shin

- Jinho Lee

- Me-riong Kim

- Yong-jun Ahn

- Ye-sle Shin

- Ki Byung Park

- Byung-Cheul Shin

- Myeong Soo Lee

- Joo-Hee Kim

- Jae-Heung Cho

- In-Hyuk Ha

9. FACTFINDERS for PATIENT SAFETY: Preventing procedure-related complications: Epidural lipomatosis and postpartum steroid exposure

- Ryan S. D'Souza

- Patricia Zheng

- George Christolias

- Eric K. Holder

- Haewon Lee

- David C. Miller

- Aditya Raghunandan

- Clark C. Smith

- Jaymin Patel

10. Comparing the Efficacy of Transforaminal and Caudal Epidural Injections of Calcitonin in Treating Degenerative Spinal Canal Stenosis: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial

- Poupak Rahimzadeh

- Farnad Imani

- Reza Farahmand Rad

- Seyed Hamid Reza Faiz


12. The Effectiveness of Transforaminal Versus Caudal Routes for Epidural Steroid Injections in Managing Lumbosacral Radicular Pain

- Jun Liu

- Hengxing Zhou

- Lu Lu

- Xueying Li

- Jun Jia

- Zhongju Shi

- Xue Yao

- Qiuli Wu

- Shiqing Feng

13. Retrospective cohort study of usage patterns of epidural injections for spinal pain in the US fee-for-service Medicare population from 2000 to 2014

- Laxmaiah Manchikanti

- Vidyasagar Pampati

- Joshua A Hirsch

14. Repeated epidural delivery of Shinbaro2: effects on neural recovery, inflammation, and pain modulation in a rat model of lumbar spinal stenosis

- Jin Young Hong

- Changhwan Yeo

- Hyun Kim

- Junseon Lee

- Wan-Jin Jeon

- Yoon Jae Lee

- In-Hyuk Ha


16. Minimally Invasive Direct Decompression for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Impact of Multiple Prior Epidural Steroid Injections

- Peter Pryzbylkowski

- Anjum Bux

- Kailash Chandwani

- Vishal Khemlani

- Shawn Puri

- Jason Rosenberg

- Harry Sukumaran

17. Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections

- Enrique Pena

- Lee Moroz

- Devender Singh

18. Cost-effectiveness and Safety of Interspinous Process Decompression (Superion)

- Kevin Cairns

- Tim Deer

- Dawood Sayed

- Kim van Noort

- Kevin Liang


20. Introduction of a predictive model for epidural steroid injections leads to inappropriate and inaccurate conclusions

- Laxmaiah Manchikanti

- Joshua A. Hirsch

21. Epidural Corticosteroid Injections for Radiculopathy and Spinal Stenosis

- Roger Chou

- Robin Hashimoto

- Janna Friedly

22. Epidural Corticosteroid Injections for Radiculopathy and Spinal Stenosis

- Laxmaiah Manchikanti

- Alan David Kaye

- Joshua A. Hirsch

23. Changes in pain scores and walking distance after epidural steroid injection in patients with lumbar central spinal stenosis

- Minsoo Kim

- Soyeon Cho

- Yeonji Noh

- Daehun Goh

- Hee-Jeong Son

- Jin Huh

- Seong-Sik Kang

- Byeongmun Hwang

24. Comparison of ligamentum flavum thickness between central and lateral lesions in a patient with central lumbar spinal canal stenosis

- Jae Ni Jang

- Yumin Song

- Jae Won Kim

- Young Uk Kim


26. Does physical performance demonstrate patient-reported outcomes after lumbar spine surgery?

- İsmail Uysal

- Fatih Özden

- İsmet Tümtürk

- Mehmet Şimşek

27. The role of epidural contrast distribution in predicting the effectiveness of steroid and local anesthetic injection in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis

- Jong Won Kwon

- Sang Jun Kim


29. Epidural Corticosteroid Injections for Radiculopathy and Spinal Stenosis

- Irbaz Bin Riaz

- Robert G. Badgett

30. Deconstructing Chronic Low Back Pain in the Older Adult—Step by Step Evidence and Expert-Based Recommendations for Evaluation and Treatment. Part VI: Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

- Julie M. Fritz

- Sean D. Rundell

- Paul Dougherty

- Angela Gentili

- Gary Kochersberger

- Natalia E. Morone

- Srinivasa Naga Raja

- Eric Rodriguez

- Michelle I. Rossi

- Joseph Shega

- Gwendolyn Sowa

- Debra K. Weiner

31. Efficacy of transforaminal epidural magnesium administration when combined with a local anaesthetic and steroid in the management of lower limb radicular pain

- Mohammed Awad

- Mina M. Raouf

- Hany K. Mikhail

- Sohair A. Megalla

- Tamer Y. Hamawy

- Ahmed H. Mohamed

32. Transforaminal Lumbar Puncture: An Alternative Technique in Patients with Challenging Access

- D.R. Nascene

- C. Ozutemiz

- H. Estby

- A.M. McKinney

- J.B. Rykken

33. Challenges and concerns of persistent opioid use in cancer patients

- Laxmaiah Manchikanti

- Kavita N. Manchikanti

- Alan D. Kaye

- Adam M. Kaye

- Joshua A. Hirsch


35. Effects of implementing evidence-based appropriateness guidelines for epidural steroid injection in chronic low back pain: the EAGER (Esi Appropriateness GuidElines pRotocol) study

- Scott M Johnson

- Troy Hutchins

- Miriam Peckham

- Yoshimi Anzai

- Elizabeth Ryals

- H Christian Davidson

- Lubdha Shah

36. The Effectiveness and Risks of Fluoroscopically Guided Lumbar Interlaminar Epidural Steroid Injections: A Systematic Review with Comprehensive Analysis of the Published Data

- Anil K. Sharma

- Yakov Vorobeychik

- Ronald Wasserman

- Jessica Jameson

- Maxim Moradian

- Belinda Duszynski

- David J. Kennedy

37. Dural sac area is a more sensitive parameter for evaluating lumbar spinal stenosis than spinal canal area

- Young Su Lim

- Jong-Uk Mun

- Mi Sook Seo

- Bo-Hyun Sang

- Yun-Sic Bang

- Keum Nae Kang

- Jin Woo Koh

- Young Uk Kim

38. A Change in Global Sagittal Alignment after Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injections in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

- Park Manakul

- Koopong Siribumrungwong

- Naphakkhanith Dhanachanvisith


40. Automatic Localization of the Needle Target for Ultrasound-Guided Epidural Injections

- Mehran Pesteie

- Victoria Lessoway

- Purang Abolmaesumi

- Robert N. Rohling

41. A comparison of steroid dose with or without local anesthetic in lumbar interlaminar epidural steroid injections

- Robert Chow

- Jessica Ng

- Melanie Wood

- David Yanez

- Zili He

- Kanishka Rajput

42. Role of Epidural Steroid Injection in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis—A Randomized Controlled Trial

- Mohit Kishore Srivastava

- Anil Kumar Gupta

- Sudhir R. Mishra

- Dileep Kumar

- Bal Krishna Ojha

- Ganesh Yadav

43. Comparative Analysis of Utilization of Epidural Procedures in Managing Chronic Pain in the Medicare Population

- Laxmaiah Manchikanti

- Amol Soin

- Dharam P. Mann

- Sanjay Bakshi

- Vidyasagar Pampati

- Joshua A. Hirsch

44. Clinical and radiological outcomes following insertion of a novel removable percutaneous interspinous process spacer: an initial experience

- Luca Jacopo Pavan

- Danoob Dalili

- Aldo Eros De Vivo

- Arthur Hamel-Senecal

- Federico Torre

- Alexandre Rudel

- Luigi Manfré

- Nicolas Amoretti

45. The MIST Guidelines: The Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Consensus Group Guidelines for Minimally Invasive Spine Treatment

- Timothy R. Deer

- Jay S. Grider

- Jason E. Pope

- Steven Falowski

- Tim J. Lamer

- Aaron Calodney

- David A. Provenzano

- Dawood Sayed

- Eric Lee

- Sayed E. Wahezi

- Chong Kim

- Corey Hunter

- Mayank Gupta

- Rasmin Benyamin

- Bohdan Chopko

- Didier Demesmin

- Sudhir Diwan

- Christopher Gharibo

- Leo Kapural

- David Kloth

- Brian D. Klagges

- Michael Harned

- Tom Simopoulos

- Tory McJunkin

- Jonathan D. Carlson

- Richard W. Rosenquist

- Timothy R. Lubenow

- Nagy Mekhail