Asian Journal of Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine Research Center, TUMS
1. A Behaviourally Informed Approach to Reducing the Risk of Inadvertent Anti-doping Rule Violations from Supplement Use
- Susan H. Backhouse
2. An examination of anti-doping education initiatives from an educational perspective: Insights and recommendations for improved educational design
- Julian (Jules) R. Woolf
3. A systematic review of research into coach perspectives and behaviours regarding doping and anti-doping
- Luke T. Barnes
- Laurie B. Patterson
- Susan H. Backhouse
4. Adverse effects of doping on human health: A sistematic review
- M. Taqwal Jumareng
- Wawan Sundawan Suherman
- Yustinus Sukarmin
- Hasanuddin Jumareng
- Sandi Prayudho