Asian Journal of Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine Research Center, TUMS
1. Incidence, burden, and pattern of injuries in Spanish male youth soccer players: A prospective cohort study
- Francisco Javier Robles-Palazón
- Iñaki Ruiz-Pérez
- Alba Aparicio-Sarmiento
- Antonio Cejudo
- Francisco Ayala
- Pilar Sainz de Baranda
2. Growth, maturation and injuries in high-level youth football (soccer): A mini review
- Eirik Halvorsen Wik
3. Epidemiological profile of soccer-related injuries in a state Brazilian championship: An observational study of 2014–15 season
- Jair José Gaspar-Junior
- Giuliano Moreto Onaka
- Fernando Sérgio Silva Barbosa
- Paula Felippe Martinez
- Silvio Assis Oliveira-Junior
4. Inter-segmental coordination variability during hopping and running on natural and synthetic turf surfaces
- Brandi E. Decoux
- Christopher M. Wilburn
- Philipe Aldahir
- Megan A. Gordon
- Wendi H. Weimar
5. Injury Incidence, Prevalence and Severity in High-Level Male Youth Football: A Systematic Review
- Steven Jones
- Sania Almousa
- Alistair Gibb
- Nick Allamby
- Rich Mullen
- Thor Einar Andersen
- Morgan Williams
6. Elite Athletes and COVID-19 Lockdown: Future Health Concerns for an Entire Sector
- Antonio Paoli
- Giuseppe Musumeci
7. Mental health and movement behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic in UK university students: Prospective cohort study
- Matthew J. Savage
- Ruth James
- Daniele Magistro
- James Donaldson
- Laura C. Healy
- Mary Nevill
- Philip J. Hennis
8. Injury incidence in elite youth soccer academy athletes: a 3-year retrospective follow up
- Serdar ARSLAN
- Engin DİNÇ
9. Effects of osteopathic manipulative treatment of the pivots on lower limb function in young professional football players
- Ewan Thomas
- Marco Petrucci
- Massimo Barretti
- Giuseppe Messina
- Antonio Rosario Cavallaro
- Antonino Bianco
10. Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of football injuries among academy players in Ghana
- Samuel Koranteng Kwakye
- Karien Mostert
- Daniel Garnett
- Andries Masenge
11. Epidemiology of injuries in male and female youth football players: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Francisco Javier Robles-Palazón
- Alejandro López-Valenciano
- Mark De Ste Croix
- Jon L. Oliver
- Alberto García-Gómez
- Pilar Sainz de Baranda
- Francisco Ayala
12. Injury Surveillance in Major League Soccer: A 4-Year Comparison of Injury on Natural Grass Versus Artificial Turf Field
- Sean P. Calloway
- David M. Hardin
- Matthew D. Crawford
- J. Michael Hardin
- Lawrence J. Lemak
- Eric Giza
- Brian Forsythe
- Yining Lu
- Bhavik H. Patel
- Daryl C. Osbahr
- Michael B. Gerhardt
- Bert R. Mandelbaum
- William W. Baldwin
13. Use of GPS to measure external load and estimate the incidence of muscle injuries in men’s football: A novel descriptive study
- Marc Guitart
- Martí Casals
- David Casamichana
- Jordi Cortés
- Francesc Xavier Valle
- Alan McCall
- Francesc Cos
- Gil Rodas
- Fabrizio Perroni
14. Isokinetic performance of knee extensors and flexors in adolescent male soccer athletes
- Leandro Viçosa Bonetti
- Letícia Lavarda Floriano
- Tatiane Antunes dos Santos
- Fernanda Macedo Segalla
- Samoel Biondo
- Gerson Saciloto Tadiello
15. Online Education in the Time of COVID-19 Crisis
- Keshav Dahiya
- Naman Malhotra
- Vaibhav Bachhwal
- Neha Gupta
16. Playing football on artificial turf as a risk factor for fifth metatarsal stress fracture: a retrospective cohort study
- Takayuki Miyamori
- Masashi Nagao
- Ryuichi Sawa
- Steve Tumilty
- Masafumi Yoshimura
- Yoshitomo Saita
- Hiroshi Ikeda
- Kazuo Kaneko
17. Injuries in football (soccer)—a systematic review of epidemiology and aetiological aspects
- Christian Klein
- Thomas Henke
- Petra Platen
18. Incidence of Injuries in Elite Spanish Male Youth Football Players: A Season-Long Study with Under-10 to Under-18 Athletes
- Jesus Barguerias-Martínez
- Mário C. Espada
- Abian Perdomo-Alonso
- Sergio Gomez-Carrero
- Aldo M. Costa
- Víctor Hernández-Beltrán
- José M. Gamonales
19. Rheology, crystallization, and enhanced mechanical properties of uniaxially oriented ethylene–octene copolymer/polyolefin elastomer blends
- Ren Long
- Shijun Long
- Lele Zou
- Zhihan Huang
- Yiwan Huang
- Chuanqun Hu
- Dapeng Li
- Xuefeng Li