Asian Journal of Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine Research Center, TUMS
1. “Time may change me, but you can’t trace time”: the (In)stability of psycho-social doping profiles among adolescent athletes
- Adam R. Nicholls
- John L. Perry
2. On the pitfalls of conceptualizing excessive physical exercise as an addictive disorder: Commentary on Dinardi et al. (2021)
- Damien Brevers
- Pierre Maurage
- Taylor Kohut
- José C. Perales
- Joël Billieux
4. Identification of Factors Associated with Potential Doping Behavior in Sports: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in High-Level Competitive Swimmers
- Sime Devcic
- Jakob Bednarik
- Dora Maric
- Sime Versic
- Damir Sekulic
- Zvonimir Kutlesa
- Antonino Bianco
- Jelena Rodek
- Silvester Liposek
5. Annual banned‐substance review: Analytical approaches in human sports drug testing
- Mario Thevis
- Tiia Kuuranne
- Hans Geyer
6. Children's First Experience of Taking Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids can Occur before Their 10th Birthday: A Systematic Review Identifying 9 Factors That Predicted Doping among Young People
- Adam R. Nicholls
- Ed Cope
- Richard Bailey
- Katrin Koenen
- Detlef Dumon
- Nikolaos C. Theodorou
- Benoit Chanal
- Delphine Saint Laurent
- David Müller
- Mar P. Andrés
- Annemarie H. Kristensen
- Mark A. Thompson
- Wolfgang Baumann
- Jean-Francois Laurent
7. Toward Prevention of Doping in Youth Sport: Cross-Sectional Analysis of Correlates of Doping Tendency in Swimming
- Dorica Sajber
- Dora Maric
- Jelena Rodek
- Damir Sekulic
- Silvester Liposek
8. The Susceptibles, Chancers, Pragmatists, and Fair Players: An Examination of the Sport Drug Control Model for Adolescent Athletes, Cluster Effects, and Norm Values Among Adolescent Athletes
- Adam R. Nicholls
- Andrew R. Levy
- Rudi Meir
- Colin Sanctuary
- Leigh Jones
- Timothy Baghurst
- Mark A. Thompson
- John L. Perry
9. Cardiovascular Risks Associated with the use of Performance-Enhancing Stimulants
- L. A. Balykova
- L. M. Makarov
- S. A. Ivyanskiy
- K. A. Varlashina
10. An exploration of doping-related perceptions and knowledge of disabled elite athletes in the UK and Austria
- Kathrin Weber
- Laurie B. Patterson
- Cornelia Blank
11. The effects of the iPlayClean education programme on doping attitudes and susceptibility to use banned substances among high-level adolescent athletes from the UK: A cluster-randomised controlled trial
- Adam R. Nicholls
- David Morley
- Mark A. Thompson
- Chao Huang
- Grant Abt
- Martyn Rothwell
- Edward Cope
- Nikos Ntoumanis
12. Perceived Coach-Created Empowering and Disempowering Climate Effects on Athletes’ Intentions to Use Doping: The Mediational Role of Self-Regulatory Efficacy and Attitudes towards Doping
- Beatrice Hoppen
- Saulius Sukys
14. Doping in Paralympic sport: perceptions, responsibility and anti-doping education experiences from the perspective of Paralympic athletes and parasport coaches
- Cornelia Blank
- Kathrin Weber
- Ian D. Boardley
- Thomas Abel
- Wolfgang Schobersberger
- Laurie B. Patterson
16. An evidence-based socioecological framework to understand men’s use of anabolic androgenic steroids and inform interventions in this area
- Geoff Bates
- David Tod
- Conan Leavey
- Jim McVeigh
17. Comprehensive diagnosis of arterial hypertension in athletes specializing in various sports
- L. A. Balykova
- S. O. Klyuchnikov
- S. A. Ivyansky
- A. A. Shirokova
- O. M. Soldatov
- Yu. O. Soldatov
- A. V. Samarin
- N. A. Ashirova
- R. A. Bespalov
18. Examining the stress-burnout relationship: the mediating role of negative thoughts
- Ko-Hsin Chang
- Frank J.H. Lu
- Theresa Chyi
- Ya-Wen Hsu
- Shi-Wei Chan
- Erica T.W. Wang