Asian Journal of Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine Research Center, TUMS
1. Muscle and tendon morphology of a world strongman and deadlift champion
- Thomas G. Balshaw
- Garry J. Massey
- Robert Miller
- Emmet J. McDermott
- Thomas M. Maden-Wilkinson
- Jonathan P. Folland
2. Skeletal muscle size distribution in large‐sized male and female athletes
- Takashi Abe
- Zachary W. Bell
- Vickie Wong
- Robert W. Spitz
- Yujiro Yamada
- Jun Seob Song
- Jeremy P. Loenneke
3. Making Weight: Maintaining Body Mass for Weight Class Barbell Athletes
- Jerica L. Moore
- S. Kyle Travis
- Michelle L. Lee
- Michael H. Stone
4. Weight Selection Attempts of Elite Classic Powerlifters
- S. Kyle Travis
- Michael C. Zourdos
- Caleb D. Bazyler
5. Skeletal muscle mass in competitive physique‐based athletes (bodybuilding, 212 bodybuilding, bikini, and physique divisions): A case series
- Enrique N. Moreno
- William B. Hammert
- Tony R. Montgomery
- Takashi Abe
- Jeremy P. Loenneke
- Samuel L. Buckner
6. What are the odds? Identifying factors related to competitive success in powerlifting
- Daniel J. van den Hoek
- Patrick J. Owen
- Joel M. Garrett
- Robert J. Howells
- Joshua Pearson
- Jemima G. Spathis
- Christopher Latella
7. Classic Powerlifting Performance: A Systematic Review
- Pierre-Marc Ferland
- Alain S. Comtois
8. Emphasizing Task-Specific Hypertrophy to Enhance Sequential Strength and Power Performance
- S. Kyle Travis
- Ai Ishida
- Christopher B. Taber
- Andrew C. Fry
- Michael H. Stone
9. The Plateau in Muscle Growth with Resistance Training: An Exploration of Possible Mechanisms
- Ryo Kataoka
- William B. Hammert
- Yujiro Yamada
- Jun Seob Song
- Aldo Seffrin
- Anna Kang
- Robert W. Spitz
- Vickie Wong
- Jeremy P. Loenneke
10. The relationship between body composition measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and maximal strength in classic powerlifting
- Pierre-Marc Ferland
- Fanie St-Jean Miron
- Antoine Laurier
- Alain S. Comtois
11. Skeletal muscle mass in female athletes: The average and the extremes
- Takashi Abe
- Vickie Wong
- Scott J. Dankel
- Zachary W. Bell
- Robert W. Spitz
- Ricardo B. Viana
- Jeremy P. Loenneke
12. Magnetic resonance imaging-measured skeletal muscle mass to fat-free mass ratio increases with increasing levels of fat-free mass
- Takashi Abe
- Scott J. Dankel
- Samuel L. Buckner
- Matthew B. Jessee
- Kevin T. Mattocks
- J. Grant Mouser
- Zachary W. Bell
- Jeremy P. Loenneke
13. Does resistance training increase aponeurosis width? The current results and future tasks
- Takashi Abe
- Scott Dankel
- Robert W. Spitz
- Samuel L. Buckner
- Vickie Wong
- Ricardo B. Viana
- Zachary W. Bell
- Jeremy P. Loenneke
14. Skeletal Muscle Adaptations and Performance Outcomes Following a Step and Exponential Taper in Strength Athletes
- S. Kyle Travis
- Kevin A. Zwetsloot
- Iñigo Mujika
- Michael H. Stone
- Caleb D. Bazyler