Dog Bites among Off-Road Cyclists: A Report of Two Cases


avatar Ramin Kordi , *

How To Cite Kordi R. Dog Bites among Off-Road Cyclists: A Report of Two Cases. Asian J Sports Med. 2012;3(1):34731.



As the field of off-road cycling is usually remote areas with limited access to medical care, off-road cyclists are at higher risk of animal attacks and related injuries.

Case presentation:

We report two cases of dog attacks in off-road cycling and discuss the basic principles in prevention and management of such incidents. The cyclists received all 5-dose regimen of the rabies vaccine and returned to sport after 6 weeks. During 6-month follow-up period, no complications were observed.


To reduce the probability of dog attacks and its complications, the off-road cyclists should be familiar with some basic principles. They should also be educated about initial on-site management of the related injuries, which may have a great impact on decreasing further complications.

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