

1. The effects of clinical pilates training on disease-specific indices, core stability, and balance in patients with ankylosing spondylitis

- Yasemin Acar

- Nursen İlçin

- Barış Gürpınar

- Gerçek Can

2. Expanding Panjabi’s stability model to express movement: A theoretical model

- J. Hoffman

- P. Gabel

3. The Pilates method in the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review

- Josiane Cristiane Cruz

- Rafaela Liberali

- Ticiane Marcondes Fonseca da Cruz

- Maria Ines Artaxo Netto

4. Immediate Effects of Core Stabilization Exercise on β-Endorphin and Cortisol Levels Among Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Crossover Design

- Aatit Paungmali

- Leonard Henry Joseph

- Khanittha Punturee

- Patraporn Sitilertpisan

- Ubon Pirunsan

- Sureeporn Uthaikhup

5. Optimizing Function for the Older Adult With Degenerative Scoliosis Through Pilates Environment Intervention

- Suzanne Martin

6. Respiratory characteristics of individuals with non‐specific low back pain: A cross‐sectional study

- Vikram Mohan

- Aatit Paungmali

- Patraporn Sitilerpisan

- Ummi F. Hashim

- Munifa B. Mazlan

- Tuan N. Nasuha

7. Physical and psychological effects of neuromuscular integrative activity vs Pilates on sedentary females

- Ayça Aracı

- Ummuhan Baş Aslan

8. Effects of Mat Pilates Exercise and Kinesio Taping on Head Angle and Muscle Activity in Their 20s with F orward Head P osture

- Bayarbayasgalan Dolgion

- Beom-Cheol Jeong

- Kyung-Tae Yoo

9. The influence of surface angle on trunk muscle activity during Pilates based exercises

- Asia V. Yates

- Ayla A. Donlin

- George J. Beneck

- Evan E. Schick

10. Is Hip Muscle Flexibility Associated with Low Back Pain Among First-Year Undergraduate Students?

- Janan Abbas

- Noa Reif

- Kamal Hamoud

11. The Effect of Pilates Exercises on Eccentric Knee Flexor Muscle Strength (Nording Hamstring) and Bilateral Balance in Athletes

- Sibel Yıldırım

12. Comparison between static stretching and the Pilates method on the flexibility of older women

- Laís Campos de Oliveira

- Raphael Gonçalves de Oliveira

- Deise Aparecida de Almeida Pires-Oliveira

13. Effects of a 16-week Pilates exercises training program for isometric trunk extension and flexion strength

- Irina Kliziene

- Saule Sipaviciene

- Jovita Vilkiene

- Audrone Astrauskiene

- Gintautas Cibulskas

- Sarunas Klizas

- Ginas Cizauskas

14. Lumbopelvic Core Stabilization Exercise and Pain Modulation Among Individuals with Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain

- Aatit Paungmali

- Leonard H. Joseph

- Patraporn Sitilertpisan

- Ubon Pirunsan

- Sureeporn Uthaikhup


- Ding Jinglong

16. Pilates for Conditioning of Equestrian Master Athletes

- Christine Romani-Ruby

17. Effects of 8 weeks of mat-based Pilates exercise on gait in chronic stroke patients

- SuYeon Roh

- Ho Jong Gil

- Sukhoon Yoon

18. Effectiveness of the Pilates method for individuals with nonspecific low back pain: clinical and electromyographic aspects.

- Pâmela Maiara Machado

- Morgana Cardoso Alves

- Ketlyn Germann Hendler

- Vanessa Braitenbach Benetti

- Romeu Joaquim de Souza Neto

- Rafael Inácio Barbosa

- Alexandre Márcio Marcolino

- Heloyse Uliam Kuriki


20. Core Kuvvet Antrenmanı İşitme Engelli Bireylerin Denge ve Bazı Fiziksel Performans Parametrelerini Nasıl Etkiler?

- Muhammet Hakan MAYDA



- Rabiye TEMİZ

- Rahşan BOLAT

21. The Effect of Pilates Stable Device with Instability Device Using the Circuit Training Method on Balance, Flexibility, and Abdominal Muscle Strength

- Risfandi Setyawan

- Hari Setijono

- Nining Widyah Kusnanik

22. Megaformer as a Rehabilitation Modality for Hamstring Strain Injury in Division I American Football: A Case Study

- Anthony Vassilian

- Lisa Noceti-DeWit

- E. Todd Schroeder

23. Hip dysplasia and the performing arts: is there a correlation?

- Robert Turner

- Eilish O’Sullivan

- Jaime Edelstein


- Hatice PALÜZAR


25. Effect of short-term Pilates exercises on bone mineral density and physical performance in older women

- Kadriye Sevilay Bayram

- Gülşah Şahin

- Coşkun Zateri

- Ali Coşkun

26. The relationship between core muscle endurance and functional movement screen scores in females with lumbar hyperlordosis: a cross-sectional study

- Eiva Fallahasady

- Nafise Rahmanloo

- Foad Seidi

- Reza Rajabi

- Mohammad Bayattork

27. Effect of Mat Pilates on Body Fluid Composition, Pelvic Stabilization, and Muscle Damage during Pregnancy

- Ah-Hyun Hyun

- Yoo-Jeong Jeon

28. Efeitos do método pilates no torque isocinético dos extensores e flexores do joelho: estudo piloto

- Laís Campos de Oliveira

- Deise Aparecida de Almeida Pires Oliveira

- Rodrigo Franco de Oliveira

- Fabrício José Jassi

- Fábio Antônio Néia Martini

- Raphael Gonçalves de Oliveira

29. The effects of Pilates breathing trainings on trunk muscle activation in healthy female subjects: a prospective study

- Sung-Tae Kim

- Joon-Hee Lee

30. The influence of surface angle on muscle activity during Pilates based exercises

- Asia V. Yates

- Ayla A. Donlin

- George J. Beneck

- Evan E. Schick

31. The Development of Yoko Techi Training Method to Increase the Movement Function and Decrease the Anxiety Level on Pre-Elderly and Elderly Woman

- Husnul Khatimah LALARNİ


32. Effects of a 12-week Equipment-based Pilates Training on Physical Fitness, Cardiovascular Function, and Vascular Endothelial Function in Middle-aged Obese Women

33. The Effects of 12-week Instrumental Pilates on Isokinetic Muscular Function and Body Composition in College Women

34. Physical and psychological benefits of once-a-week Pilates exercises in young sedentary women: A 10-week longitudinal study

- Nóra Tolnai

- Zsófia Szabó

- Ferenc Köteles

- Attila Szabo

35. The Electromyographic Activity of the Multifidus Muscles During the Execution of Two Pilates Exercises—Swan Dive and Breast Stroke—for Healthy People

- Maryela de Oliveira Menacho

- Mariana Felipe Silva

- Karen Obara

- Fernanda Queiroz Ribeiro Cerci Mostagi

- Josilainne M. Dias

- Tarcisio Brandão Lima

- Taufik Abrão

- Jefferson Rosa Cardoso

36. Vertical spinal instability – Advanced neuromuscular therapy protocol

- K. Ragurajaprakash

37. Effect of home based tele pilates on pelvic girdle pain and lumbo pelvic stability among pregnant women – A randomized controlled trial

- S. Akilandeeswari

- B. Sathya Prabha

- P. Ponmathi

38. Transversus Abdominis Ultrasound Thickness during Popular Trunk–Pilates Exercises in Young and Middle-Aged Women

- Ioannis Tsartsapakis

- Maria Gerou

- Aglaia Zafeiroudi

- Eleftherios Kellis

39. Effects of modified Pilates on variability of inter-joint coordination during walking in the elderly

- SuYeon Roh

- Sukhoon Yoon

- Joo Nyeon Kim

- Hee Sung Lim

40. Efectividad de un programa de Pilates romana en lumbalgia inespecífica. Estudio piloto / Effectiveness of Romana Pilates Program in Low Back Pain. A Pilot Study

- S. Pérez-de-la-Cruz

- S. Puentes-Fernández

- P. Rocamora-Pérez

- J.M. Lozano-Fernández

41. The Effect of Core Training on Fitness, Trunk Isokinetic Muscular Function, and Body-Composition in Boxing Athletes

- Sung-Ho Ahn

- Jin-Seok Lee

- Chang-Gyun Kim

42. Investigation of the effects of clinical Pilates exercises on physical fitness and psychosocial parameters in healthy women




43. Comparison of the effects of pelvic floor muscle training and modified pilates exercises in elderly women with stress urinary incontinence: A randomized clinical trial

- Berna Okdemir Dimli

- Ebru Kaya Mutlu

- Duygu Sahin Altac

- Hanifegul Taskiran

44. Pilates training improves 5-km run performance by changing metabolic cost and muscle activity in trained runners

- Paula Finatto

- Edson Soares Da Silva

- Alexandre B. Okamura

- Bruna P. Almada

- Henrique B. Oliveira

- Leonardo A. Peyré-Tartaruga

- Yury P. Ivanenko

45. Revisión del ejercicio físico como tratamiento de la lumbalgia en la mujer embarazada

- L.M. Gallo-Galán

- J.L. Gallo-Vallejo

- J. Mozas-Moreno

46. Effect of Pilates Exercises on Standing, Walking, and Balance in Children With Diplegic Cerebral Palsy

- Hanaa Mohsen Abd-Elfattah

- Dina Othman Shokri Morsi Galal

- Mahmoud Ibrahim Elsayed Aly

- Sobhy M. Aly

- Tamer Emam Elnegamy

47. The effects of a single bout pilates exercise on mRNA expression of bone metabolic cytokines in osteopenia women

- Chang Sun Kim

- Ji Yeon Kim

- Hyo Jin Kim

48. Pilates for low back pain

- Tiê P Yamato

- Christopher G Maher

- Bruno T Saragiotto

- Mark J Hancock

- Raymond WJG Ostelo

- Cristina MN Cabral

- Luciola C Menezes Costa

- Leonardo OP Costa

49. Effect of pilates exercises on premenstrual syndrome symptoms: a quasi-experimental study

- Elif Tuğçe Çitil

- Nurten Kaya

50. Pilates-based therapeutic exercise for pregnancy-related low back and pelvic pain: A prospective, randomized, controlled trial

- Pelin Yıldırım

- Gulfem Basol

- Ali Yavuz Karahan

51. The Effects of Abdominal Hollowing and Bracing Maneuvers on Trunk Muscle Activity and Pelvic Rotation Angle during Leg Pull Front Pilates Exercise

- Eun-Joo Jung

- Jae-Seop Oh

52. Comparação da satisfação, motivação, flexibilidade e dor muscular tardia entre método Pilates moderno e método Pilates instável

- Amanda Nery Castelo Branco

- Gisela Cristiane Miyamoto

- Agatha Cristina Gregório Soliano

- Hussein Ali Farhat

- Katherinne Ferro Moura Franco

- Cristina Maria Nunes Cabral

53. Effects of Lumbar Stability and Hip Joint Mobility Exercise with Pilates Devices on Pain Level and Muscle-Joint Function in Middle-Aged Women with Chronic Low Back Pain

- Da Eun Park

- Seung Kil Lim

54. The Pilates method and cardiorespiratory adaptation to training

- Maria Tinoco-Fernández

- Miguel Jiménez-Martín

- M. Angeles Sánchez-Caravaca

- Antonio M. Fernández-Pérez

- Jesús Ramírez-Rodrigo

- Carmen Villaverde-Gutiérrez

55. Resistance Training Induces Improvements in Range of Motion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

- Shahab Alizadeh

- Abdolhamid Daneshjoo

- Ali Zahiri

- Saman Hadjizadeh Anvar

- Reza Goudini

- Jared P. Hicks

- Andreas Konrad

- David George Behm