Outcomes of Birmingham Hip Resurfacing: A Systematic Review


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How To Cite Outcomes of Birmingham Hip Resurfacing: A Systematic Review. Asian J Sports Med. 2012;3(1):34717. https://doi.org/10.5812/asjsm.34717.



We performed a systematic review to assess the functional outcomes of Birmingham Hip Resurfacing as reported in peer-reviewed literature.


We performed a computerized search on the data sources up to February 2011. The following text and key words were searched: Birmingham hip, Birmingham hip resurfacing and Hip resurfacing. Each of these key words was again searched with outcomes following them. We also hand searched the bibliographies of the retrieved articles and our own files to identify specifically relevant articles.


Fourteen retrospective studies and three prospective studies were included for review. Each of these studies was evaluated by the criteria given by Sackett and AACPDM. The design, patient criteria, intervention, outcomes, duration of follow up and results of the research were reported.


Although the technique of BHR does allow the femur to be spared, claims that it may allow patients to be more active need to be further investigated.

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