Comparison of MR images for age determination; T1 weighted images (T1WI) versus T2* weighted images (T2*WI)


avatar Yoshikazu Shimada 1 , * , avatar Daisuke Shimao 2 , avatar Jiro Kobayashi 1 , avatar Chikako Nakahori 1 , avatar Mariko Shimada 3 , avatar Hiroo Fujimoto 3 , avatar Tatsuya Misawa 1 , avatar Haruyasu Kato 4 , avatar Michiko Dohi 5

JFA Medical Center, Fukushima, Japan
Department of Radiological Sciences, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences, Ibaraki, Japan
JFA Academy FUKUSHIMA, Fukushima, Japan
Department of Sport and Wellness, Rikkyo University, Saitama, Japan
Department of Sports Medicine, Japan Institute of Sports Sciences, Tokyo, Japan

How To Cite? Shimada Y, Shimao D, Kobayashi J, Nakahori C, Shimada M, et al. Comparison of MR images for age determination; T1 weighted images (T1WI) versus T2* weighted images (T2*WI). Asian J Sports Med. 2012;3(1):34727.



T1WI (T1 weighted image) was acquired in order to grade bone fusion following the studies by FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Associations). Research using images other than T1WI has not been reported. The aim of this study is to evaluate the grade of epiphyseal fusion by T2* weighted images (T2*WI) and to investigate new findings on T2*WI as compared with T1WI.


A total of 87 subjects, all junior football players between the ages of 12 and 17 years old, were examined. T1 and T2* WI were obtained using a 1.2T Open type MR system. The T1WI and T2*WI were rated twice randomly by four radiologists using the FIFA grading system.


The intra-rater reliability for grading was higher in T1WI (The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC)=0.9490.985) than in T2*WI (ICC=0.9170.943). The inter-rater reliability for grading was also higher in T1WI (ICC=0.923) than in T2*WI (ICC=0.867).


This research showed that T1WI is a better sequence than T2*WI to evaluate bone fusion following FIFA protocol. It was speculated that the reason for this is that T1WI has higher tissue contrast resolution and enables clearer images of the epiphyseal fusion than T2*WI and the grading system by T1WI was not suitable for T2*WI.

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