

1. Comparison and toxicity assessment of co-composting process by pistachio wastes and date-palm straw combined with municipal sewage sludge

- Habibe Jafariniya Parizi

- Mehdi Mokhtari

- Hadi Eslami

- Farzan Madadizadeh

- Mahrokh Jalili

- Mohammad Mobini

- Abdolreza Nassab Hosseini

- Ali Asghar Ebrahimi

2. Katı ve Sıvı Solucan Gübre Uygulamalarının Marul (Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa) Bitkisinin Verimine Etkisi

- Tuğba Özbucak

- Hülya Alan

3. Effect of purified vermicast extract with plant growth regulators on indirect regeneration of Naregamia alata Wight & Arn from leaf explants and genetic fidelity analysis of regenerants

- H. David Raja

- P. Srinivasan

- R. Tamilvanan

4. The Effect of Vermicompost and Earthworms (Eisenia fetida) Application on Phytomass and Macroelement Concentration and Tetanic Ratio in Carrot

- Peter Kováčik

- Vladimír Šimanský

- Sylwester Smoleń

- Jakub Neupauer

- Katarína Olšovská


6. Vermicomposting Smart Closed Reactor Design and Performance Assessment by Using Sewage Sludge

- Mona Ghorbani

- Mohammad Reza Sabour

- Masoud Bidabadi

7. Effectiveness of vermicompost from cow manure on tomato yield

- I.A. Ndiaye

- M. Diatte

- E. Tendeng

- S. Sylla

- A. Balde

- O. Seydi

- P. Diop

- S.O. Sene

- B. Labou

- K. Diarra

8. Low-cost Large Scale Vermicompost Unit

- Sonam Solanki

- Gunendra Mahore

9. Effects of Vermicompost Applications on Microelemental Contents of Olive Saplings’ Production Material


- Hatice TURAN

- Selçuk GÖÇMEZ

- Yusuf SOLMAZ



10. Effect of vermicompost on yield and quality of Kemloko tobacco

- S N Hidayati

- R Syaputra

- R Hamida

- Djajadi

11. Optimal management of plant nutrition in tomato (Lycopersicon esculent Mill) by using biologic, organic and inorganic fertilizers

- Meysam Cheraghi

- Babak Motesharezadeh

- Hossein Ali Alikhani

- Seyed Majid Mousavi