Hepatitis Monthly
Official Journal of Research Center for Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases
1. Chemokine genetic polymorphism in human health and disease
- Tabish Qidwai
2. Gene-Gene Interaction Study Between Genetic Polymorphisms of Folate Metabolism and MTR SNPs on Prognostic Features Impact for Breast Cancer
- Moataza Moataza Hassan Omran
- Basma El-Sayed Fotouh
- Wafaa Ghoneim Shousha
- Abeer Ismail
- Shimaa Shawki Ramadan
3. Impact of genetic variations in C-C chemokine receptors and ligands on infectious diseases
- Tabish Qidwai
- M.Y. Khan
4. Beyond HIV infection: Neglected and varied impacts of CCR5 and CCR5Δ32 on viral diseases
- Joel Henrique Ellwanger
- Bruna Kulmann-Leal
- Valéria de Lima Kaminski
- Andressa Gonçalves Rodrigues
- Marcelo Alves de Souza Bragatte
- José Artur Bogo Chies
5. Development of a gene signature for predicting cirrhosis risk score of chronic liver disease associated with HCV infection in Egyptians
- Reham M. Dawood
- Ghada M. Salum
- Mai Abd El-Meguid
- Ahmed Elsayed
- Ayman Yosry
- Ashraf Abdelaziz
- Hend Ibrahim Shousha
- Mohamed Mahmoud Nabeel
- Mostafa K. El Awady
6. The possible role of CCR5Δ32 mutation in Crimean‐Congo hemorrhagic fever infection
- Aydin Rustemoglu
- Duygu Ekinci
- Ayşe F. Nursal
- Sener Barut
- Fazilet Duygu
- Özgür Günal