Background and Aims: Combined factor V and VIII deficiency (CF5F8D) is a rare hemorrhagic disorder. Treatment of patients with blood products has been associated with infections with blood-borne viruses. Due to absence of any survey on status of blood borne viruses in individuals with CF5F8D, we tried to address this question.
Methods: Among 25 known cases, 24 individuals were assessed for hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV & HCV), human T lymphotropic virus type one (HTLV-I) and human immunodeficiency virus type1/2 (HIV1/2) using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay method.
Results: In the group under survey, 2 cases (8.3%) were positive for anti-HCV. There was no infection with HBV, HTLV-I and HIV.
Conclusions: Hepatitis C is a major health problem in CF5F8D, as in hemophiliacs, and may need more attention from manufacturers of blood products and more careful pre-transfusion screening of blood products for anti-HCV.
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