Background and Aims: In order to evaluate some possible risk factors for the spread of hepatitis B infection, acase-control study was undertaken.
Methods: The study population consisted of subjects who came to KarajHepatitisCenter. All subjects who met the inclusion criteria were considered as having chronic hepatitis and comprised our case group. Risk factors were evaluated using a questionnaire. Backward conditional logistic regression analysis was used.
Results: The case group consisted of 500 chronic subjects, and 434 subjects with negative tests for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV comprised the control group. Age, male sex, marital status (being married), history of contact with hepatitis,extramarital sexual activity, IV-drug use, major surgery, experimental dentist visit and some jobs (police, barber, and driver) were found to be independent risk factors of being chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (odds ratio: 0.9,2.3, 2.1, 8.9, 6.5, 5.4, 1.6, 1.8 and 2.3, respectively).Conclusions: It seems to be of great importance to pay more attention to certain jobs, life styles and cultural matters in Iran that predispose people to a number of risk factors so as to implement measures to control HBV spread. Despite existence of a long list of risk factors, different epidemiological studies with alternative methodologies accompanied by meta-analysis of risk factors in each separate area seems to be helpful in providing information about transmission routes and surveillance of hepatitis B infection.
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