How to extract a losing intra-aortic balloon pump guide wire


avatar Manouchehr Hekmat 1 , avatar hamid Ghaderi 2 , * , avatar Seyedeh Adeleh Mirjafari 3 , avatar Mehran Shahzamani 2 , avatar Gholamreza Masoumi 4

Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Shahid Modarres Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Chamran Heart Center Hospital, Isfahan University of Medical sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Cardiac Anesthesiology, Chamran Heart Center Hospital, Isfahan University of Medical sciences, Isfahan, Iran

How To Cite Hekmat M, Ghaderi H, Mirjafari S A, Shahzamani M, Masoumi G. How to extract a losing intra-aortic balloon pump guide wire. Int J Cardiovasc Pract. 2018;3(1):e130259.


Guidewire loss is a serious complication that in case of a complete wire loss could cause death in about 20% of cases. Although it is essential to retrieve an intravenous foreign body as soon as possible, there are only a few recommendations regarding the removal of an intra-arterial foreign body. This study reports on a rare complication of guidewire loss during the insertion of an Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP), which has not yet been reported in the literature. The approach to this problem has been described, including the extraction time and the technique.


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