

1. Ghrelin Response to Acute and Chronic Exercise: Insights and Implications from a Systematic Review of the Literature

- Nejmeddine Ouerghi

- Moncef Feki

- Nicola Luigi Bragazzi

- Beat Knechtle

- Lee Hill

- Pantelis T. Nikolaidis

- Anissa Bouassida

2. Elastic resistance training has positive influence on the functional capacity and appetite hormone in overweight men

- Armin Valadbeigi

- Kamal Azizbeigi

3. The impact of acute and chronic resistance training on appetite and energy intake: A scoping review examining resistance exercise and comparisons with other exercise modalities

- Valéria L.G. Panissa

- Larissa K. Cardoso

- Priscila A.Q. Rossi

- David H. Fukuda

- Fabrício E. Rossi

4. Effect of high-intensity interval training and high-intensity resistance training on irisin and fibroblast growth factor 21 in men with overweight and obesity

- Amir Hossein Haghighi

- Morteza Hajinia

- Roya Askari

- Sadegh Abbasian

- Gary Goldfied

5. Effect of long-term exercise on circulating ghrelin in overweight and obese individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis

- Xianyang Xin

- Hai Wang

- Yongqing Guo

- Jun Xie

6. Obestatin as a key regulator of metabolism and cardiovascular function with emerging therapeutic potential for diabetes

- Elaine Cowan

- Kerry J Burch

- Brian D Green

- David J Grieve

7. Plasma Acylated Ghrelin Response to One Session Circuit Resistance Exercise in Fasted and High Carbohydrate Meal in Healthy Young Men

- Marzyeh Saghebjoo

- Mehdi Hedayati

- Yadgar Fahimi

- Saeed Ilbeigi

8. Effects of HICT on Serum Lipids and Glucose Levels in Elderly Women

- M Sepehrirad

- V Valipour Dehnou

- M Fathi

9. Effects of Resistance Circuit-Based Training on Body Composition, Strength and Cardiorespiratory Fitness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

- Domingo Jesús Ramos-Campo

- Luis Andreu Caravaca

- Alejandro Martínez-Rodríguez

- Jacobo Ángel Rubio-Arias