

1. Reassessing the Value of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography in Differential Diagnosis of Cervical Tuberculous Lymphadenitis and Lymph Node Metastasis of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

- Xu Zhang

- Lingling Wang

- Na Feng

- Tu Ni

- Wei Tang

2. Cervical Lymphadenitis Tuberculosis Coexistent with Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

- Amani Hachicha

- Hamdi Chouchane

- Yasmine Sghaier

- Sarra Ben Rjeb

- Senda Turki

3. Interesting association of squamous cell carcinoma of soft palate and tuberculous lymphadenitis

- Evren Erkul

- Hakan Cincik

4. Tuberculosis cervical lymphadenopathy mimics lateral neck metastasis from papillary thyroid carcinoma

- Seok‐Mo Kim

- Hak Hoon Jun

- Ho‐Jin Chang

- Ki Won Chun

- Bup‐Woo Kim

- Yong Sang Lee

- Hang‐Seok Chang

- Cheong Soo Park

5. Tuberculous Lymphadenitis Mimicking Nodal Metastasis in Follicular Variant Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

- Marc Gregory Yu

- Jenny Maureen Atun

6. Lymph Node Metastasis from Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma or Tuberculous Lymphadenitis: A Diagnostic Dilemma

- Niraj Mohan

- Yi Y Chia

- Chung FJ Ng

- Gopalakrishna N Iyer

- Hiang K Tan

- Ngian C Tan

- Siti Radhziah

7. Diagnostic value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound combined with serum procalcitonin in tuberculous lymph nodes and metastatic lymph nodes

- Lin Li

- Lan He

- Minchao Xiong

- Xiaoyan Wang

8. Disseminated tuberculous lymphadenitis presenting as cervical mass in patient with HIV infection, worsening after antiretroviral initiation: diagnosis and treatment challenges

- Alain Bruno Tagne Nouemssi

9. Dermoid Cyst of Neck: A Diagnostic Dilemma and a Therapeutic Challenge

- Sultanipura N Somashekhar

10. Diagnostic strategy of fine needle aspiration cytology of cystic cervical lymph node metastasis from papillary thyroid carcinoma

- Qin Li

- Ying Liu

- Guofu Zhang

- Hu Long

- Yong Jiang

- Xueying Su

11. Role of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in the Pre-operative Diagnosis of Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

- Yu-Rong Hong

- Zhi-Yan Luo

- Guo-Qiang Mo

- Ping Wang

- Qin Ye

- Pin-Tong Huang

12. Medullary Thyroid Cancer with Normal Serum Calcitonin and Tubercular Neck Nodes: A Rare and Challenging Presentation

- Rabishankar Singh

- Suman Kharkwal

- J Anish Atchaya