Correlation Between Serum Levels of Cholesterol and Homocysteine with Oxidative Stress in Hypothyroid Patients


avatar Rahbani-Nobar M 1 , avatar Bahrami A 1 , * , avatar Norazarian M 1 , avatar Dolatkhah H 1

Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,, I.R.Iran

How To Cite? M R, A B, M N, H D. Correlation Between Serum Levels of Cholesterol and Homocysteine with Oxidative Stress in Hypothyroid Patients. Int J Endocrinol Metab. 2004;2(2): 103-109. 



A bnormaJities in cholesterol and homo cysteine metabolism have been reported in thyroid diseases. Since elevated lev els of both parameters are involved in atherogenesis, and thyroid hormones are modu lators of oxidative stress. In this study, the corre lation between serum levels of cholesterol, and homocysteine, and oxidative stress was assessed in patients with thyroid dysfunction.

Materials and Methods:

A total of 60 patients with thyroid dysfunction (30 with hypothyroid ism and 30 with hyperthyroidism) were included in this study. Thirty apparently healthy sex and age-matched individuals were :;elected as control group. The mean age of hypothyroid, hyperthy roid and control groups were 437.7, 3912 and 407.9 years, respectively. Serum levels of homo cysteine were measured by HPLC and those of thyroid hormones (T3, T", T3 R. uptake and TSH) by radioimmunoassay techniques. Levels of total antioxidant capacity, lipid profiles and creatinine were determined by standard methods in Cobas Mira Autoanalyzer.


The meanSD levels of homocysteine in hyperthyroid, hypothyroid and control groups were 7.791.44, 17.096.93 and 8.081.92 pmol/L, respectively. Comparing with control group sig nificant elevation was noted in hypothyroid pa tients (p=O.OOOl). Significant correlation between serum levels of creatinine and that of homocysteine was observed (r=0.86, p= 0.0001). Singnifi cant elevation in the levels of total cholesterol and LDL-C were observed in hypothyroid pa tients (p<0.05). Significant reduction in the se rum antioxidant capacity was found in patients suffering from hypothyroidism (p=O.Ol). But not in hyperthyroid subjects. Significant inverse cor relation was observed between serum levels of antioxidant capacity and those of homocysteine (r=-O.79, p=0.02), total cholesterol (r=-O.93, p= 0.02) and LDL-C (r=-0.83, p=O.OO1) in hypothyroid pa tients. This correlations were not significant in the hyperthyroid and control groups (p > 0.05).


The correlation between serum lev els of homocysteine, total cholesterol and LDL-C with total antioxidant capacity in hypothyroid ism suggests that there is an overproduction of free radicals in these patients. It is concluded that the enhanced production of free radicals might be an important contributing factor in ab normalities seen in homocysteine and choles terol metabolism.

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