IJ Radiology
An Innovative Journal in the Field of Radiology
1. High risk and low incidence diseases: Pediatric digestive volvulus
- Brit Long
- Joshua Easter
- Alex Koyfman
2. Ultrasound for the diagnosis of malrotation and volvulus in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- HaiThuy N Nguyen
- Madhulika Kulkarni
- Jisha Jose
- Amy Sisson
- Mary L Brandt
- Marla B K Sammer
- Mohan Pammi
3. Ultrasound for Midgut Malrotation and Midgut Volvulus: AJR Expert Panel Narrative Review
- HaiThuy N. Nguyen
- Oscar M. Navarro
- David A. Bloom
- Kate A. Feinstein
- R. Paul Guillerman
- Martha M. Munden
- Marla B. K. Sammer
- Cicero T. Silva
4. The performance of ultrasound and upper gastrointestinal study in diagnosing malrotation in children, with or without volvulus
- Mohamad Sufian Mohamed Burhan
- Hamzaini Abd Hamid
- Faizah Mohd Zaki
- Chai Jia Ning
- Isa Azzaki Zainal
- Izzat Arslan Che Ros
- Che Zubaidah Bt Che Daud
- Mohd Yusran Bin Othman
- Erica Yee Hing
5. Impact of Focused Abdominal Ultrasound Utilization on Outcomes for Children With Midgut Volvulus
- Desi M. Schiess
- Marla B.K. Sammer
- Andrew C. Sher
- Alexander M. El-Ali
- Ekene A. Onwuka
- Xiaofan Huang
- Kristen A. Staggers
- HaiThuy N. Nguyen
6. Mesenteric Vessel Abnormalities Detected With Sonography: A Possible Gateway to the Early Diagnosis of Various Gastrointestinal Anomalies
- Seyed Ali Alamdaran
- Masoud Mahdavi Rashed
- Shima Arjmand
- Reza Rahimzadeh Oskooei
7. Ultrasound for malrotation and volvulus — point
- Mostafa Youssfi
- Luis F. Goncalves