IJ Radiology
An Innovative Journal in the Field of Radiology
1. Clinical and imaging findings of calcifying aponeurotic fibroma
- Maohua Pang
- Xiaojun Fan
- Mingyuan Yuan
2. Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma in children: our experience and a literature review
- Laura Corominas
- Ignacio Sanpera
- Julia Sanpera-Iglesias
- Rafael Felix Ramos-Ansesio
3. Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma around Achilles tendon: A case report
- Almushayqih Musab Hamoud
- Asiri Yasser Nasser
- Alshamlan Najd Abdulrahman
4. Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma of the sole of the foot in an elderly patient
- Francisco Manuel Garcia Navas
- Nuria Fernandez
- Alberto Lopez
- Pedro Montero
6. Calcifying Aponeurotic Fibroma of the Hallux
- Reem N. Sheikh
- Kristina Karlic
8. Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma around posterior tibialis tendon in an elderly patient with flatfoot
- Sung Hun Won
- Jahyung Kim
- Jaeho Cho
- Dong-Il Chun
- Kwonwoo Kim
- Young Yi
9. Calcifying Aponeurotic Fibroma of Leg Masquerading as Hemangioma in an Adolescent Male along with Review of Literature
- Akriti Jindal
- Gargi Kapatia
- Manjit Kaur Rana
- Rahul Sharma