



3. Radiomics for classification of bone mineral loss: A machine learning study

- S. Rastegar

- M. Vaziri

- Y. Qasempour

- M.R. Akhash

- N. Abdalvand

- I. Shiri

- H. Abdollahi

- H. Zaidi

4. CT imaging markers to improve radiation toxicity prediction in prostate cancer radiotherapy by stacking regression algorithm

- Shayan Mostafaei

- Hamid Abdollahi

- Shiva Kazempour Dehkordi

- Isaac Shiri

- Abolfazl Razzaghdoust

- Seyed Hamid Zoljalali Moghaddam

- Afshin Saadipoor

- Fereshteh Koosha

- Susan Cheraghi

- Seied Rabi Mahdavi

5. The stability of oncologic MRI radiomic features and the potential role of deep learning: a review

- Elisa Scalco

- Giovanna Rizzo

- Alfonso Mastropietro

6. Robustness and reproducibility of radiomics in T2 weighted images from magnetic resonance image guided linear accelerator in a phantom study

- Mengdi Sun

- Ahmad Baiyasi

- Xuechun Liu

- Xihua Shi

- Xu Li

- Jian Zhu

- Yong Yin

- Jiani Hu

- Zhenjiang Li

- Baosheng Li



9. Tumor image-derived texture features are associated with CD3 T-cell infiltration status in glioblastoma

- Shivali Narang

- Donnie Kim

- Sathvik Aithala

- Amy B. Heimberger

- Salmaan Ahmed

- Dinesh Rao

- Ganesh Rao

- Arvind Rao


11. Effects of MRI image normalization techniques in prostate cancer radiomics

- Lars J. Isaksson

- Sara Raimondi

- Francesca Botta

- Matteo Pepa

- Simone G. Gugliandolo

- Simone P. De Angelis

- Giulia Marvaso

- Giuseppe Petralia

- Ottavio De Cobelli

- Sara Gandini

- Marta Cremonesi

- Federica Cattani

- Paul Summers

- Barbara A. Jereczek-Fossa



14. Machine learning-based radiomic models to predict intensity-modulated radiation therapy response, Gleason score and stage in prostate cancer

- Hamid Abdollahi

- Bahram Mofid

- Isaac Shiri

- Abolfazl Razzaghdoust

- Afshin Saadipoor

- Arash Mahdavi

- Hassan Maleki Galandooz

- Seied Rabi Mahdavi

15. Repeatability and reproducibility of MRI-based radiomic features in cervical cancer

- Sandra Fiset

- Mattea L. Welch

- Jessica Weiss

- Melania Pintilie

- Jessica L. Conway

- Michael Milosevic

- Anthony Fyles

- Alberto Traverso

- David Jaffray

- Ur Metser

- Jason Xie

- Kathy Han


17. Exploring Applications of Radiomics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Head and Neck Cancer: A Systematic Review

- Amit Jethanandani

- Timothy A. Lin

- Stefania Volpe

- Hesham Elhalawani

- Abdallah S. R. Mohamed

- Pei Yang

- Clifton D. Fuller

18. Machine Learning for Prediction of Recurrence in Parasagittal and Parafalcine Meningiomas: Combined Clinical and MRI Texture Features

- Hsun-Ping Hsieh

- Ding-You Wu

- Kuo-Chuan Hung

- Sher-Wei Lim

- Tai-Yuan Chen

- Yang Fan-Chiang

- Ching-Chung Ko



