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IJ Radiology
A total of 200 pregnant women admitted to hospitals in Zahedan were in 1393-4. Exclusion criteria were: women with a history of chronic disease and fetal anomalies and multiple pregnancy. Inclusion criteria were: pregnant women in the second trimester and third with LMP characteristics. A questionnaire was designed and pregnant women were studied by ultrasonography and femoral length and BPD were measured. Data with SPSS software, paired t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient were studied.
In the second trimester the correlation coefficient between LMP; according to BPD in both tables were the same, but the FL values in HADLOCK and OSAKA.
In general it can be concluded that the use of OSAKA table to determine the gestational age of the study population, especially in the third trimester, is more accurate than the HADLOCK. was was varied. Also in the third trimester based on the correlation of BPD and FL were different in the above tables.
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