Ovarian Cancer Staging by MDCT


avatar Mahrooz Malek 1 , *

Assistant professor of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

how to cite: Malek M. Ovarian Cancer Staging by MDCT. I J Radiol. 2017;14(Special Issue):e48366. https://doi.org/10.5812/iranjradiol.48366.


Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecological cancer and about 70% of the patients are advanced stagein the time of diagnosis. Decision about management (surgical debulking versus neoadjuant chemotherapy) in ovarian cancer patients is dependent on initial staging by abdominopelvic MDCT or MRI, so, Radiologist expertise on ovarian cancer staging is very important. Involvement of mesenteric root, peritoneal implante larger than 2 cm, lymphadenopathy superior to renal hilum and implants near hepatic veins are criteria for nonresectability of ovarian cancer and radiologist must be familiar and expert on the imaging protocol and findings on MDCT for ovarian cancer staging.

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David marsh
2023-11-16 13:13:34
Great Post! Ovarian cancer staging using MDCT is a crucial component of the diagnostic and treatment planning process. It provides detailed information about the extent of the disease, aiding in decision-making for surgical and therapeutic interventions. Combining imaging findings with clinical and laboratory data ensures a comprehensive and accurate staging of ovarian cancer.
David marsh
2023-09-13 11:58:54
Great post! It's important to note that while MDCT is a valuable tool in ovarian cancer staging, it is often used in conjunction with other imaging modalities and clinical information to provide a comprehensive assessment of the disease. Interpretation of MDCT scans for ovarian cancer staging requires the expertise of radiologists with experience in oncologic imaging.