Visualization of the 12th Cranial Nerve with MRI: Value of Balanced Fast-Field Echo and 3D-Drive Sequences Among the T2 TSE Post-Contrast T1 Sequences


avatar Hassan Aydin 1 , * , avatar N. Aydin Oktay 1 , avatar B. Hekimoglu 1

Department of Radiodiagnostic, DıșkapıYıldırım Beyazit Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

how to cite: Aydin H, Aydin Oktay N, Hekimoglu B. Visualization of the 12th Cranial Nerve with MRI: Value of Balanced Fast-Field Echo and 3D-Drive Sequences Among the T2 TSE Post-Contrast T1 Sequences. I J Radiol. 2010;7(2):e78817. 



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