Purulent Pericarditis Caused by Streptococcus Milleri Strains; the Gained Experience from Nine Reported Cases


avatar Ilias A. Kouerinis 1 , * , avatar Govind Chetty 1 , avatar George Lazaros 2 , avatar Grigorios Karagkiouzis 2 , avatar Ioannis Karathanasis 2 , avatar Charilaos Kantsos 2 , avatar George Georgiopoulos 2 , avatar Graham Cooper 1

Department of Cardiac Surgery, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Sheffield, United Kingdom
First Department of Cardiac Surgery and Cardiology, University of Athens, Hippokration Hospital, Athens, Greece

How To Cite? Kouerinis I A , Chetty G, Lazaros G, Karagkiouzis G, Karathanasis I, et al. Purulent Pericarditis Caused by Streptococcus Milleri Strains; the Gained Experience from Nine Reported Cases. Int Cardiovasc Res J. 2015;9(4):e10967. https://doi.org/10.17795/icrj-9(4)243.


Bacterial pericarditis caused by Streptococcus Milleri Group (SMG) strains is a particularly exceptional pathology. All the eight previous reported cases were under the care of medical teams and the seven existed reports in medical journals were more or less from this perspective.
Herein, we reported a unique case of a pericardial-cutaneous fistula resulting from a recurrent purulent pericardial effusion caused by SMG strains, which had been treated with open surgical drainage two months before. A thorough review of the surgical treatment options and the results has also been presented.


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