The Association of Elevated Serum Alanine Aminotransferase with Metabolic Syndrome in a Military Population in Southern Iran


avatar Sh Iravani 1 , avatar Behnam Sabayan 1 , * , avatar S Sedaghat 2 , avatar ST Heydari 3 , avatar P Javad 4 , avatar KB Lankarani 3 , avatar AR Khoshdel 1

AJA University of Medical Sciences, Department of Internal Medicine, Tehran, Iran
Health Policy Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
2Health Policy Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Molavi Laboratory, Shiraz, Iran, Iran

How To Cite? Iravani S , Sabayan B, Sedaghat S , Heydari S , Javad P , et al. The Association of Elevated Serum Alanine Aminotransferase with Metabolic Syndrome in a Military Population in Southern Iran. Int Cardiovasc Res J. 2010;4(2):e65015. 


Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is rapidly rising at an alarming rate through all parts of the world.
Elevated serum aminotransferase was proposed as a marker for early detection of MetS. In this investigation we
primarily aimed to evaluate the prevalence of MetS and its components among army and secondly to explore the
association between elevated serum aminotransferase and the components of metabolic syndrome.
Methods: A total of 380 army personnel from a military camp in Southern Iran participated in this cross-sectional
study. Life style related characteristics, anthropometric features, serum aminotransferase and components of
MetS, based on National Cholesterol Education Program—Adult Treatment Panel III, were measured. Statistical
significant was set as p value less than 0.05.
Results: The mean age of participants was 35.0± 7.5 year-old and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was
8.1%. The prevalence of the components of MetS including; central obesity, abnormal fasting blood glucose,
hypertension, hypertriglycridemia and low HDL cholesterol level was 8.6%, 10.4%, 18.5%, 31%, and 45.5%
respectively. MetS had significant relationship with obesity (P<0.001) and abnormal Waist Circumferance/Hip
Circumference ratio (P<0.001). Twenty-six percent of subjects had ALT ≥ 41 U/L and 4.9% of them had ALT ≥
81. Elevated serum aminotransferase had significant association with presence of MetS (P= 0.007).
Conclusion: Although prevalence of metabolic syndrome among the studied army population was not high, life
style modification of army members is recommended. Liver function tests should be included in routine health
checkup of military personnel.


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