Disappearance of Muscle Bridge of Left Anterior Descending Artery after Rising Blood Pressure


avatar Javad Kojuri 1 , avatar Yadallah Mahmoody 1 , * , avatar M Tavassoly 1

Cardiovascular Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Scinces, Shiraz, Iran

How To Cite? Kojuri J , Mahmoody Y , Tavassoly M . Disappearance of Muscle Bridge of Left Anterior Descending Artery after Rising Blood Pressure. Int Cardiovasc Res J. 2009;3(3):e68043. 


A 62 years–old woman with chief complaint of repeated compressive chest pain on physical activity presented
to the emergency department. Angiography showed narrowing of mid part of left anterior descending artery at
systole, normal caliber in diastole and good distal flow but after normalization of blood pressure and pulse rate,
the left anterior descending artery lesion disappeared in systole and diastole. As in this patient, it is imperative to
note that hypotension due to any cause such as vasovagal reaction, could stimulate myocardial bridge.




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