Effects of the abstract of Oliban on learning and memory
Background: Disorder of learning and memory is one of the major health problems in life. Drugs used in this regard are synthetic and have serious side-effects. Objective: To determine the effect of the abstract of oliban on memory and learning. Methods: In one way active avoidance learning method an animal was given 10s to enter the safe box, otherwise it received a shock, (0.9 MA) as an unconditional stimulus. The major criteria for assessment was the number of times in which the animal received no shock as a part of learning. The average of latencies is a measure of retention which were analyzed by krushal wattles non-parametric test. Findings: Injection of hydrolic abstract of oliban with concentrations of 20%, 5%, 10% and 15% and hydroalcholic 5% and 10% increased the velocity of learning and consultant memory, 20% and 30% respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion: It can be concluded that the abstract of oliban probably increases the conduction of sensory signals in the synapses area of hypocompus.
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