‌Isolation of T. gondii from the brain of mammalian and birds and its lethal effect on mice


avatar M Saraei , avatar H Keshavarz , *

How To Cite Saraei M, Keshavarz H. ‌Isolation of T. gondii from the brain of mammalian and birds and its lethal effect on mice. J Inflamm Dis. 1999;3(3):e154662. 


Background: Recognition of the biological, antigenic and genetic characteristics od T. gondii isolated in our country demands more attention in the area of research. Objective: To isolate T. gondii from the brain of mamalian and birds and to identify the antigenic components of isolated strains. Methods: Isolation of T. gondii from the brain of the animals were performed by using direct smear and bioassay in mice. Findings: No tissue cysts were defected in direct smear from the brain of 46 birds and mammalian. In bioassay performed in mice, T. gondii was isolated from 40% of fowls and 14% of sheep. In general of the isolated strains were lethal for mice and the number of tissue cysts from the sheep isolates were more than fowl isolates. Conclusion: The results indicated that most of isolates were avirulence strains. Among T. gondii isolates , different number of tissue cysts were observed.