Effect of L-Carnitine on Lipid levels of blood in dialyzed patients
Background: L-Carnitine is an essential vitamer for oxidation of fatty acids with long chain in dialyzed patients. Objective: To determine the effect of L-Carnitine on the level of blood lipids of dialyzed patients. Methods: In a controlled clinical two double blinds method, 25 volinteers in Avi Ali Sina Hospital were studied. 10 mg/kg (0.5 kg/cc) of the solution was injected for three months and a similar quantity of the placebo was also prescribed in the controlled group. The lipid level of the blood was measured on the 0, 45th and 90th days. Findings: There was a significant decrease in Triglyceride levels, LDL cholesterol and the proportion of HDL to LDL in experimental group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Prescription of this drug can be beneficial for treatment of dialyzed patients.
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