Comparison of rigid and fiberoptic bronchoscopes sensitivity in diagnosis of lung cancer
Background: Bronchoscopy is used by many specialists for diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Objective: To determine the sensitivity pattern of rigid and fiberoptic bronchoscopes. Methods: The diagnosis results of one hundred lung cancer cases of M.Daneshavri hospital (1374-75) who were evaluated by both rigid and fiberoptic bronchoscopy were compared with the golden criteria. Findings: The sensitivity pattern of fiberoptic and rigid bronchoscopy was 96±3.9% and 95±4.2% respectively. There was a complete coordination between the two, which was revealed by Kapa coefficient (The resultant coordination 99%, chance coordination 91.4% and Kapa 88%). Conclusion: Rigid and Fiberoptic bronchoscopes have their own special indications and can both be used in diagnosis of lung cancer.
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