Evaluation of Mantoux Tuberculin test following BCG vaccination in children


avatar A Mahyar , avatar Z Masomlo , *

How To Cite Mahyar A, Masomlo Z. Evaluation of Mantoux Tuberculin test following BCG vaccination in children. J Inflamm Dis. 2000;3(4):e154682. 


Background: The only existing vaccine against tuberculosis is BCG vaccine. Tuberculin test is used to ensure prevention. Objective: To evaluate mantoux tuberculin test following BCG vaccination in children. Methods: 612 nursery children with the age range of 3 months to 5 years who were living in Saveh and had their BCG vaccination on the day of birth were studied in 1997. After the intradermal injection of 0.1cc of PPD, the amount of induration in response to the test was measured 72 hours after administration. Findings: The results showed that tuberculin response was equal or lower than 5mm in 39.8% of cases, 6-9 mm in 42% and lower than 10mm in 18.1%. Mean of PPD size was decreased with increase in age. Mean of scar following BCG vaccination was 4.8mm. There was a decrease in negative tuberculin test cases as the scar size increased. Conclusion: BCG vaccination is recommended on the day of birth due to its high preventive effect. Test of tuberculin is necessary to ensure prevention.