A report on ear Teratoma


avatar MA Mojabi , *

How To Cite Mojabi M. A report on ear Teratoma. J Inflamm Dis. 2000;3(4):e154689. 


Teratomas are germ cell tumors usually found in the young and are characteristically composed of the tissue foreign to place where they arise. Sometimes they arise in the three layers of mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm. Two teratomas of the middle ear were first reported in 1866 and since then, 19 additional cases have been recorded. This report describes a case of teratoma of middle ear and mastoid of a 41 year old male who complained of tinnitus, vertigo, vomiting and hearing-loss of right ear. He under-went an operation and a hairy cyst was abserved in the mastoid and middle ear. Teratoma was reported in the pathology results.