The efficiency of Albendazole and Mebendazole in the treatment of ascariasis and trichuriasis


avatar M Saidijam , avatar MR Saivashi , * , avatar M Ansari

How To Cite? Saidijam M, Saivashi M, Ansari M. The efficiency of Albendazole and Mebendazole in the treatment of ascariasis and trichuriasis. J Inflamm Dis. 2000;4(1):e154692. 


Abstract Background: High prevalence of intestinal parasites in Iran, Specially Hamedan, demands a suitable drug of choice. Objective: To compare the efficiency of albendazole and mebndazole on ascarisis and trichuriasis. Methods: In a triple – blind clinical study, 162 students of Cheshin and Abarru villages who were infected by ascaris lumbricoides and trichuris trichiura were randomly divided into 2 groups in which albendazole and mebendazole were prescribed for them .The collected data was analyzed by chi2, fisher and t-student tests. Findings: The effectiveness of albendazole and mebendazole on ascariasis and trichuriasis were 96.3, 83.2 and 98.7, 100 respectively .No side- effects of albendazole and mebendazole were observed in 89% and 90% of the patients respectively. Conclusion: There is no superiority in prescribing albendazole in comparision to 500 mg single does of mebendazole for treatment of infections of intestinal nematodes.