Effective factors on correct contraceptive use
Background: The prevalence of unwanted pregnancies in Iran is estimated to be about 40% which is related to incorrect usage of contraceptives or nonusers of them despite unwillingness to fertility.
Objective: To investigate the effective factors on correct usage of contraceptives.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 1996 on 4177 women who referred to one of the 12 training hospitals in Tehran. Data was analysed by Logistic Regression Model.
Findings: 31.1% of subjects had unwanted pregnancies. Among the subjects who had unwanted pregnancies, 79.9% had used contraceptives. 59.5% of contraceptive users, used traditinal methods and 40.5% used modern methods. Generally, 69% of the cases in contrast to 31% used their method correctly.
Conclusion: Health policy-makers should strive more to improve family-plannig programs specially through cooperation of husbands.
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