Psychosocial stressors in hemodialized patients of Qazvin


avatar N Bahrami Nejad , *

How To Cite Bahrami Nejad N. Psychosocial stressors in hemodialized patients of Qazvin. J Inflamm Dis. 2000;4(2):e154718. 


Abstract Background: Hemodialized patients confront many physical and psychosocial stressors. Objective: To investigate psychosocial stressors of hemodialized patients. Methods: In a descriptive study, 53 hemodialized patients referring to the hemodialized ward of Buali hospital of Qazvin were selected by census and a questionnare was completed. Findings: The findings indicated the greatest stressors to be as follows: limitation of physical activity: 66%, limitation of time and place for recreative activities: 58.5% andlow-material status of the patients: 54.7%. Conclusion: Hemodialized patients face many physical and psychosocial stressors and need educational treatment and material support.