Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Opium and opioid dependent people
Background: The abundance of opioid and opium dependence and its consequent social, cultural, economic and psychologic problems demands more study and knowledge on addition relevant factors.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of widespread psychiatric disorders among opium and opioid dependent people.
Methods: In a descriptive study, 150 people referring to the out-patient clinic of deaddiction of social welfare organization of Isfahan in summer of 1998 filled a questionnaire under the supervision of the researcher and a psychiatrist.
Findings: The frequency of the disorders was calculated to be as follows: hyposexuality 68.7%, hypersomnia 59.3%, major depressive disorder 58.7% and panic disorder 64.7%. On the whole 91.3% (137 people) had at least one psychiatric disorder.
Conclusion: Psychiatric disorders have important roles in the beginning, continuation and relapse of addition, therefore special attention must be paid to psychic health of patients.
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