Tendency toward aggression in adolescents and the role of family
Background: Severe excitement in adolescents may lead to physical, psychological and cognitive alteration and consequently induces aggression and incompatibility. Objective: To determine the tendency rate of aggression in adolescents and its relation to family functioning. Methods: Through a cross-sectional, random sampling study, 800 highschool boys and girls (First to third grade) of Isfahan city were selected. The cases filled out a questionnaire containing Bloom criteria for family functioning and Isonic-Wilson personal test of tendency toward aggression. Findings: Distribution of tendency in most of the cases (40%) was moderate. Spearman correlation coefficient showed a reverse significant relationship between aggression and family functioning (P<0.0001, r=-0.275). T.test revealed no significant difference in aggression of boys and girls. Conclusion: It was revealed that suitable family functioning in relation to adolescents will decrease aggression.
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