Prevalence of Amblyopia in school age children in Qazvin


avatar H Merat , *

How To Cite Merat H. Prevalence of Amblyopia in school age children in Qazvin. J Inflamm Dis. 2002;6(1):e154864. 


Background: Amblyopia is a visual problem that causes decrease in visual acuity (Visual error), strabismus and psychosocial disturbance. On time diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia is of great importance. Objective: To determine the prevalence of amblyopia in 6-9 year old students of Qazvin province during 1990-2000. Methods: The visual ability of students were evaluated with standard Snelen chart by the hygienic officials. The students whose visual acuity were not normal were referred to an ophthalmic clinic. Findings: The prevalence of amblyopia was 4.3% based on 8/10 at lower vision on snelen chart. The causative factors for amblyopia were reflective error (80%), strabismus (8%), ptosis (2.5%) and other causes such as macular hypoplasia, reflective errors sub one diopter and idiopathic causes (9.5%). The victoms (21%) were aware of their problem but were not under proper treatment and follow-up. Conclusion: On time diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia is an ideal method. Immunization of children and visual evaluation by hygienic officials and pediatricians is a safe and suitable method.