Attitude of dentistry students at clinical sections of Qazvin Medical University towards the application of basic sciences courses


avatar M Alipour Haydari , avatar GhR Hasanzadeh , * , avatar Z HajiSeied Javadi

how to cite: Alipour Haydari M, Hasanzadeh G, HajiSeied Javadi Z. Attitude of dentistry students at clinical sections of Qazvin Medical University towards the application of basic sciences courses. J Inflamm Dis. 2002;6(2):e154875. 


Background: Students, as future builders of community, are able to present valuable views for educational programs and learning process. Objective: To survey the attitude of Qazvin dentistry students at clinical sections toward the application of basic sciences courses. Methods: 75 dentistry students at clinical section filled out a questionnaire. The statistical data was obtained and the courses of basic sciences were divided into three groups high, medium and low. Findings: Qazvin dentistry students believed that the courses of anatomy of head & neck, specialized English and pharmacology have the most application and the courses of metabolism biochemistry, structural biochemistry and medical physics have the least application in the clinical courses. Conclusion: Regarding future needs of dentists, changes in the educational programming seem to be essential.