Comparison of urinary retention in Hemoroidectomy with open surgery and rubber band ligation


avatar Y shafigh , *

How To Cite shafigh Y. Comparison of urinary retention in Hemoroidectomy with open surgery and rubber band ligation. J Inflamm Dis. 2002;6(3):e154893. 


Abstract Background: Hemoroid is a common disease. When it reaches to degree 2, 3 or 4 it should be suitably treated. Urinary retention is one of the complication of hemoroidectomy surgery. Objective: To compare the rate of post-hemoroidectomy urinary retention after open surgery versus rubber band ligation. Methods: Through a systematic random sampling study patients suffering from hemoroid degree 2 and 3 were divided into 2 groups of 40 (October 1999 to March 2000). The groups were treated using open surgery & rubber band ligation. Using x² & fisher tests, the data was analyzed to compare different rates of urinary retention. Findings: A total number of 12 and 3 patients suffered from urinary retention in open surgery & rubber band groups respectively. The difference was statistically considerable (P=0.0214). Conclusion: Generally speaking, rubber band ligation had less complication in comparison with open surgery.