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H, Boshtam
M, Moatarian
A, Mohammadifard
N, Heidari
G, et al. Relationship between the kind of protein intake and cardiovascular risk factors. J Inflamm Dis. 2003;7(2):e154939.
Background: Nutrition can play a direct role in cardiovascolar diseases as well as some risk factors. Objective: To determine the relationship between the kind of protein intake (plant and animal protein) and different risk factors of cardiovascular diseases Methods: This cross – sectional study was implemented in Isfahan in 2000 . 4187 people from the urban population of Isfahan from both sexes aged over 19 years were studied. The Food frequency questionnaires were filled out. Sampling blood and measuring height , weight & blood pressure the main risk factors such as SBP , DBP , Cho , TG , FBS and BMI were deitermined .Also the income and education of the samples were asked. The relationship between the kind of plant and animal protein intake and risk factors and income and education level were obtained by Regression analysis. Findings: Among the plant protein sources the consumption of soy protein is lower than other sources and among animal protein, the consumption of fish is lower than other proteins. There is no relationship between consumption of plant and animal proteins and risk factors of CVDs in men (P>0.05), but in women BMI, FBS, Cho and SBP and Cho, DBP and SBP have a negative relationship with the consumption of plant and animal proteins respectively (P0.05). The consumption of plant proteins has a reversed relation with education and the income in both men and women groups (P=0.000). Conclusion: The results necessitates necessary actions in order to increase the consumption of plant sources for controlling CVD
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