Evaluation of oralmanifestation and bonelesion in patient with major thalassemia (Qazvin, 1998-99)


avatar H Tafazzoli shadpour , *

How To Cite Tafazzoli shadpour H. Evaluation of oralmanifestation and bonelesion in patient with major thalassemia (Qazvin, 1998-99). J Inflamm Dis. 2003;7(3):e154961. 


Background: The prevalence of thalassemia is very high in Iran (1/66%). This disease is the cause of oral and bone lesion and DMF index variations. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the oral manifentations and the prevalence of bone lesions and DMF index in patients with major thalassemia in Qods hospital of Qazvin province. Methods: In this analytic and discriptive study during the years 1377-78 clinical and radiographical examinations of patients over 6 years old (70 cases) has been done in Qhods hospital of Qazvin province and the results of these studies were discussed after completing the questionares and accomplishing statistical tests. Findings: In this study the relation between three main factors including: age (48.6% were 6-12 years old – 51.4% were 12-23 years old) familial relationship between parents (50%) and Spleenectomy of the patient (42.9%) with oral manifestations and bone lesions prevalence were assessed. The direct relationship of these features with age was proved (P<0.005) and two other factors showed a direct and significant relationship but this was not a general rule. The frequency of class II malocclusion and O+ Blood group (50%) in these patients were noticeable. Conclusion: Discoloration of oral mucosa was seen in all of the patients. Morphologic alterations of facial bones was more common. The frequency index of patients without missed (78.5%) and decayed (28.5%) teeth was less than the WHO index(85%).